外教Enea Dumitru-Sorin
日期:2019-05-05 浏览次数: 字号:[ ]

个人简介:Enea Dumitru-Sorin,1976年09月生,罗马尼亚人,本科学历,语言学博士。


主要研究成果/主要研究方向:出版专著《Imaginar şi creaţie (Imaginary and creation)》、《The juridical  and administrative for distance teaching French》(合著);发表论文“The translation and reception of the work of Proust in Romania”、“Ladmiral – the last of archeotraductosaurs, interviewed by the ETIB”、 “The orthographic reforms and the anchoring in time of Proust translations into Romanian”、“General Aspects of NLP in Teaching Languages”、“Translation, Retranslation, Adaptation”等。

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